July 12, 2024

Unconventional Social Media Strategies That Actually Work

Traditional methods like regular posting, hashtags, and engagement are essential, but to truly capture attention, businesses need to think outside the box. Here are some unconventional social media strategies that have proven to be effective and can help your brand make a lasting impact.

1. Interactive Stories and Polls


1. Choose a Platform: Instagram and Facebook are great for stories.

2. Create the Content: Use engaging visuals and add poll or quiz stickers.

3. Encourage Participation: Ask questions relevant to your audience or let them vote on decisions.

Example: A restaurant could use polls to let followers choose the special of the day or vote on new menu items. This not only boosts engagement but also makes your audience feel involved in your brand.

2. Behind-the-Scenes Content

Behind the scene content


1. Identify Content Opportunities:  Consider team activities, product creation, or office events.

2. Capture Authentic Moments: Use your smartphone for a casual feel.

3. Share Regularly: Consistency helps build a connection.

Example: Share behind-the-scenes photos and videos of your team, the making of your products, or even your workspace. This kind of content can help build a more personal connection with your audience and humanize your brand.

While polished, professional content is important, showing the human side of your brand can be incredibly effective. Share behind-the-scenes photos and videos of your team, the making of your products, or even your workspace. This kind of content can help build a more personal connection with your audience and humanize your brand.

3. User-Generated Content Campaigns


  1. Create a Hashtag: Ensure it’s unique and easy to remember.
  2. Encourage Participation: Promote the campaign through your channels.
  3. Feature User Content: Share their posts on your page to build a community feel.

Example: Encourage customers to share photos or videos of them using your tech product with a specific hashtag. Offer a chance to be featured on your social media pages. This not only creates a sense of community but also provides you with a steady stream of authentic content.


 4. Unexpected Collaborations


1. Identify Potential Partners:  Look for brands or influencers outside your industry.

2. Pitch the Idea: Explain the mutual benefits.

3. Create Joint Content: Develop content that highlights both brands.

Example: A tech company could partner with a popular fashion influencer to showcase how their products integrate seamlessly into everyday life. These surprising partnerships can generate a lot of interest and discussion online.

 5. Augmented Reality (AR) Filters



1. Choose a Platform: Instagram and Snapchat are popular for AR filters.

2. Design the Filter: Use a tool like Spark AR Studio.

3. Promote the Filter: Encourage users to try it out and share their experiences.

Example: Creating a branded AR filter that users can apply to their photos and videos can significantly boost your visibility on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat.

6. Social Media Takeovers


1. Choose a Takeover Host: Could be an influencer, employee, or loyal customer.

2. Plan the Content: Collaborate on the schedule and type of posts.

3. Promote the Takeover: Announce it ahead of time to build anticipation.

Example: Allowing an influencer to take over your social media account for a day can provide fresh and engaging content. It offers a different perspective and can attract the audience of the person taking over.

7. Ephemeral Content


1. Choose the Platform: Instagram Stories, Snapchat, or Facebook Stories.

2. Create Urgent Content: Share limited-time offers or quick updates.

3. Engage Quickly: Respond to interactions promptly as the content is time-sensitive.

Example: Use ephemeral content to share limited-time offers, behind-the-scenes looks, or quick updates. The temporary nature of this content can encourage your audience to engage with it more quickly and frequently.

8. Interactive Challenges and Contests


1. Define the Challenge: Make it fun and relevant to your brand.

2. Set Clear Rules: Ensure participants know how to enter.

3. Offer Prizes: Incentivize participation with rewards.

Example: A restaurant could start a cooking challenge where followers recreate a dish from the menu and share their results. Offering prizes or features on your social media page can incentivize participation and spread awareness of your brand.

9. Long-Form Content


1. Choose a Platform: LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram captions.

2. Create Detailed Posts: Share stories, case studies, or thought leadership pieces.

3. Engage with Comments: Respond to feedback to foster discussion.

Example: Use platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, or even Instagram captions to share detailed stories, case studies, or thought leadership pieces. This can help establish your brand as an authority in your industry and engage followers who are interested in more substantive content.

10. Unexpected Humor and Memes


1. Know Your Audience: Ensure the humor aligns with their preferences.

2. Create or Share Memes: Develop original content or share trending memes.

3. Monitor Engagement: Track how your audience reacts and adjust accordingly.

Example:  Injecting humour and creating or sharing memes can make your brand more relatable and shareable. Well-executed humour can quickly go viral and significantly boost your reach.


In the crowded world of social media, unconventional strategies can be the key to standing out and making a lasting impression. By thinking creatively and taking calculated risks, you can engage your audience in new and exciting ways, ultimately driving greater brand awareness and loyalty. So, don’t be afraid to experiment and find what tactics resonate best with your audience.

Visit Braandix Business Consultancy or call us at 9745 118 555 to know more about us!

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